# 0041

Valérius 360 recycled cotton fibre

Material, Várias Items, Comum, Reciclado, Polímeros, Meses

Dados Sócio-culturias

Usos Históricos

Cotton has been cultivated, prepared and spun into thread for over 6,000 to 7,000 years in the Indian subcontinent and South America. Introduced from the Arabia and India into Europe it became an important textile. Technological progress in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century Industrial Revolution made Europe a major centre of commercialisation while in the United States slave labour was made a central part of the economy of the Confederate southern states.

Usos Presentes

An estimated 25 million tonnes of cotton are produced globally each year with 5 nations dominating production - China, India, United States, Brazil and Pakistan.

Outros Factos Fascinantes

Valérius´processing technology creates fibres of recycled cotton 20mm length, compared to normal industry standards of 16mm. This enables a higher content of recycled cotton fibre to be mixed with virgin cotton fibre to maintain the quality of the yarn and, hence, for new garments to enter into a second life cycle in the market.

Dados Técnicos

Classe de Material


Dados Geográficos Bio-temporais

Tempo de residência (Quando tempo é que a matéria/material/artefacto se mantém num estado inalterado numa localização/contexto/sistema antes da sua degradação?)


Como é que o item afeta o ambiente no qual existe?

Não sei

Dados Ontológicos-cosmológicos


Como é que gostaria de estar com este artefacto/material/ser vivo/matéria?

in a new garment or clothing

O que é que o ser humano pode devolver a este artefacto/material/ser vivo/matéria?

use the fibre wisely so that new cotton, with its high pesticide input, does not have to be produced.