# 0008

Kombukamui Seaweed Dress

Prática de transformação, Item individual, Comum, Polímeros, Meses

Dados Sócio-culturias

Usos Presentes

Julia Lohmann founded the Department of Seaweed, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland to investigate seaweeds for novel forms of production. Experimenting with the properties of different algae led to diverse sculptural structures, clothing and other applications. With some 31 species of brown seaweeds (kelp, Laminaria species) of the North Atlantic growing to several metres or more, with many capable of rapid growth rates in the spring and summer months, there is potential to consider sustainable harvesting or sea farming methods to generate a bio-circular production approach. After all, seaweeds with their valuable trace elements and nutrients provide a valuable soil or marine fertiliser giving a second life to seaweed garments.

Dados Técnicos

Classe de Material


Dados Geográficos Bio-temporais

Tempo de residência (Quando tempo é que a matéria/material/artefacto se mantém num estado inalterado numa localização/contexto/sistema antes da sua degradação?)


Como é que o item afeta o ambiente no qual existe?


Dados Ontológicos-cosmológicos


O que é que o ser humano pode devolver a este artefacto/material/ser vivo/matéria?

If we are going to use seaweeds to produce new artifacts then we need to ensure we harvest sustainably or cultivate them in seaweed farms in a way that does not cause harm to the local environment.