# 0015
Venolla Cups
Transforming Practice, Individual Thing, Common, Polymers, Weeks
Socio-cultural Data
Present Uses
Brown seaweeds of the North Atlantic can have prolific growth rates. Sugar kelp and certain red macroalgae are particularly promising biomass producers whose fronds can be dried, powdered, rewetted and heated to produce bio-plastics that are tough, flexible and compostable (in the sea or on land). Given the enormous challenge of cleaning up micro-particles of synthetic, non-degradable plastics from petroleum that pollute our seas, the Seaweed Cycle offers production systems for 3D printing, pressure moulding and other techniques that perfectly fit the bio-economy.
Technical Data
Class of Material
Bio-temporal-geographical Data
Residence time (How long does the matter/material/artefact stay in an unaltered state in the location/context/system before it decay?)
How does the item affect the environment in which it exists?
Nourish it
Ontological-cosmological Data
How would you like to be with this artefact/material/living thing/matter?
Test them out in everyday use, then compost them.