# 0060
Sea Shells
Matter, Several Things, Common, Gathered, Polymers, Years
Socio-cultural Data
Historical Uses
Seashells have been historically used as soil fertilizers, pigment for paint and as decorative objects.
Technical Data
Class of Material
Bio-temporal-geographical Data
Residence time (How long does the matter/material/artefact stay in an unaltered state in the location/context/system before it decay?)
How does the item affect the environment in which it exists?
Nourish it
Ontological-cosmological Data
How would you like to be with this artefact/material/living thing/matter?
I would like to grow close to it and explore it's material and symbolic possibilities to use on my artistic practice.
How does transforming this artefact/material/living thing/matter transform you?
It would transform me because it's a material that has been present through out my life and has a lot of sentimental value
What can humans give back to this artefact/material/living thing/matter?
Humans can respect it by not over collecting the material